Spinal Medicine Independent Medical Examiners in Connecticut

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Spinal Medicine Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.

Michael J Giordano, MD, JD, MBA

Legal Medical Associates

Madison, Connecticut
Neurosurgery, Spinal Medicine - I am a board certified neurosurgeon with over 26 years in practice and I am a board certified independent medical examiner in both the 5th and 6th editions s of the AMA Guides. I am also an attorney and have over 15 years experience reviewing medicolegal cases. Due to my medical and legal training, I provide valuable insight to your evaluations and cases. I focus on brain and spinal injuries.
As a neurosurgeon, I render opinions on spinal injuries and head injuries. In my private practice, I see a large number of TBI cases. I have particular experience from a long military career and have seen many TBI's in the field on combat deployments. I do a large amount of defense IME's in New Jersey having been credentialed by a number of IME companies but am available independently to any counsel or company. I am certified by the New York State Workers' Compensation Board to perform Independent Medical Exams in Neurological Surgery.
You can also find Spinal Medicine Independent Medical Examiners in:
California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wyoming