Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease Independent Medical Examiners in California

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.

Sendhil Krishnan, MD, FACC

Pacific Heart & Vascular

Orange, California
Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease - Dr. Krishnan is a recognized expert in the specialized field of IME and disability claim evaluations. With a profound medical background and honed skills, he is highly regarded for providing precise and timely reports pivotal to determining claimants' eligibility for disability benefits. His collaborations with insurance companies and law firms underscore his reputation for delivering objective, trustworthy evaluations in a timely manner.
You can also find Cardiology - Cardiovascular Disease Independent Medical Examiners in:
California, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, New Jersey, Ohio, Oregon , Pennsylvania, and Virginia