Orthopedic Surgery Independent Medical Examiners in Minnesota

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Orthopedic Surgery Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.

Matthew Kang, MD

Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery - Traumatic brain injury, all other aspects neurosurgery Highly skilled in all aspects of surgical spine and spine trauma
ABNS Board Certified in Neurosurgery Accredited AAOS Fellowship in Complex Spinal Deformity 15 years of practice in Level 1- Level 3 trauma centers Highly personable and knowledgeable

Airell L Nygaard, MD

Excelsior, Minnesota
Orthopedic Surgery
May I introduce myself; I am a Board-Certified Orthopedic Surgeon residing in Minneapolis MN, and would like to offer my services in performing IME’s, Disability Consulting, Depositions, Court Testimony, and Medical File reviews. Licensed in MN and CA, I have a clean disciplinary record, with no pending or recent complaints or malpractice claims. Hand and thumb arthritis forced my retirement from my Orthopedic Surgery practice 2 ¾ years ago, but I have elected to resume medicine in the above listed areas. My prior practice focus included upper and lower extremity care, orthopedic sports medicine, fracture care, non-surgical spine care, arthritis management, and extensive joint replacement experience of the shoulder, hip, and knee. Although I do have prior experience in IME’s, Depositions, and court testimony, I have completed SEAK Inc. training in IME exams and reports, multiple types of Medical File reviews, and ongoing course work with the AMA Guides. I have broad-based exper...
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