Disability Evaluations Independent Medical Examiners in Florida
Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Disability Evaluations Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.
Stanley C Haimes, MD, MPH, CIH, CIME, FACOEM
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
Orlando, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Disability Evaluations
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology, Medical Criteria for Employment as a Firefighter or Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), Exposure Evaluation, Disability Evaluation, Return to Duty, Fit for Duty, Workers Compensation, Complex Causation.
Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine of the University of Central Florida. Board Certified in Occupational Medicine, Residency Trained at Johns Hopkins, and a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM). Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP). Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME). Medical Officer for the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Member of the national committee that determines safe exposure levels to chemicals in the workplace (Threshold Limit Value Committee of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists). Member of Scientific Review Panel for the Hazardous Substance Data Base (HSDB) maintained by the National Institutes of Health. Member of the national committees that develop medical guidelines for employment as a firefighter (NFPA 1582 Technical Committee) and a law enforcement officer (ACOEM LEO Medical Guidance).
David P. Kalin, MD, MPH
The Healthplace Center for Disability & Independent Medical Evaluations
Oldsmar, Florida
Family Medicine, Disability Evaluations
Since 1992, with the establishment of THE HEALTHPLACE CENTER for Disability and Independent Evaluation those suffering from Medical/Legal confusion have been offered comprehensive medical evaluation with effective translation of medical problems for the swift resolution of legal, governmental and insurance issues dealing with long-term disability/life care planning, personal injury, medical malpractice, environmental exposure, Workers’ Compensation, PIP Social Security and Emergency Medical Condition.
Masters in the Science of Public Health
Fellow American Academy of Family Physicians
Certified Independent Medical Examiner
Florida ME003624
North Carolina 58382
NPI 1821091406
DR. KALIN specializes in complex case apportionment, assists in blocking cases for anticipated litigation, evaluates for future medical expenses and is available for consultation.
DR. KALIN also works as the Medical Director of injury/accident clinics in Florida where he evaluates and treats pati...
Richard A. Saladino, DC
Bradenton, Florida
Chiropractic, Disability Evaluations
Evidenced-based Independent Medical Examinations
-AMA Guides 5th and 6th Edition
-35 years practice experience
-No Malpractice
-No State License Administrative Actions
You can also find Disability Evaluations Independent Medical Examiners in:
Delaware, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, South Carolina, and Virginia