Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Michael Jaffe MD LLC
- Phone: (801) 598-9452
- Cell: (801) 598-9452
- Website: DrMichaelJaffe.com
Other Locations: UT
Specialty 1: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physiatry
Specialty 2: Pain Management - Medicine
Keywords/Search Terms: I specialize in spine, pain and musculoskeletal medicine. My areas of expertise include all areas of the spine, musculoskeletal injuries, pain management, nerve injuries and injury assessment. I am board certified in PM&R and Pain and have completed the STEP Concussion and Mild TBI Certificate Program provided by the American Academy of PM&R.
Medical School: University of Massachusetts
License(s): UT
Years in Practice: 25
Experience:- 10 years performing IMEs
- 100+ IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 5 times
IME Certification: CIME
IME Training: ABIME
Additional Information
I am frequently retained by both plantiff and defense attorneys for personal injury and medical malpractice cases. I worked over 20 years for Intermountain Healthcare in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation in outpatient Physiatry/Interventional pain. I currently work in private practice clinic half time and provide medical legal consulting/expert witness services half time. I was a member of Intermountain Healthcare development team for Clinical Practice Guidelines for low back pain, neck pain and chronic pain. I am former President Utah Academy of Pain Management 2008-2015. I am happy to help with your cases, but I am unable to accept industrial injuries because of my ongoing commitment to the Utah Labor Commission providing medical opinions to judges for contested worker's compensation cases.