Occupational Medicine Independent Medical Examiners

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Occupational Medicine Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.

Barry D. Baskin, MD

North Little Rock, Arkansas
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physiatry, Occupational Medicine - 18 yrs. exp., IME/2nd opinion, workers compensation, personal injury, impairment; Board Certified - Am. Board of PM&R

Manijeh Berenji, MD

Oxnard, California
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology - Medical Toxicology

Nelhs Betancourt, MD, MPH, DABT, CIME, CHCQM

OccMed, Inc.

Irvine, California
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - My areas of expertise are Internal and Occupational Medicine and Occupational Toxicology. My emphasis is on causation of conditions related to work exposure, including cancer, solvents, pesticides, asbestos and other dusts, work stress and heart disease and impairment/disability determination.
Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine and the American Board of Toxicology. Masters Degree in Occupational Medicine. Board Certified Physician Advisor. Medical Review Officer. Certified in the use of the AMA Guides for impairment determinations. Depositions on pneumoconiosis, bauxite, Multiple Myeloma, heart disease and work stress, solvents (TCE). IMEs addressing Ehlers-Danlos, heart disease (chronic and acute), diabetes with complications, pulmonary disease, gastrointestinal disease, cancer, stroke, rheumatological disorders, Obstructive Sleep Apnea, return to work (with or without limitations/restrictions), long term and short term disability, FMLA, Fit-for-Duty. Having in-depth knowledge of Internal Medicine and being academically trained in Occupational Medicine and Toxicology is complementary. These skills help me evaluate a case thoroughly to determine causation or formulate recommendations for return to work, FMLA issues, or long/short term disabil...

Nkiruka Ndu, MD

Justlaw Medical Services

Visalia, California
Internal Medicine, Occupational Medicine - Worker's Compensation Correctional Healthcare Occupational Medicine Perform independent Medical Examinations where liability is an issue.

Jonathan S. Rutchik, MD, MPH


Mill Valley, California
Neurology, Occupational Medicine - Evaluation of individuals or groups with neurological problems, occupational exposures and/or workplace injures
Dr. Rutchik is one of very few physicians in the United States board certified both in Neurology and Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is also an associate professor of Medicine at UCSF and a California State Qualified Medical Examiner. He is a Fellow of both the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM). He provides clinical evaluations and treatment, including electromyography, of individuals and populations with suspected neurological illness secondary to workplace injuries or chemical exposure; neurological trauma, and neurological fitness for duty in safety sensitive populations. Other services include independent medical examinations, medical record review, utilization review and consulting to industrial, legal, government, pharmaceutical and academic institutions equally for plaintiff and defense matters. Dr. Rutchik is licensed in CA, NY, MA, NM and ID.

Michael A Kennedy, MD

MK Health Services, LLC

Newark, Delaware
Occupational Medicine, Disability Evaluations - IMEs since 2001. Impairment Ratings for Pennsylvania since 2012. Certified Independent Medical Examiner by ABIME.

Robert M. Chapa, Sr., MD

North East Florida Occupational Health and Wellness

Jacksonville, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Dr. Chapa is ER Residency Trained & practiced Emergency Medicine in NE Florida. He is considered the "Father of Occupational Medicine" for NE Florida since Founding and Maintaining the First Occupational Practice, in that region, in 1989. Subsequently, he established State of the Art Occupational Medicine programs at Mayo Clinic Florida and University of Florida, and remains Adjunct Professor. He specializes in PIR, Worker's Compensation, Collegiate Sports Medicine and Clinical Orthopedics at UF
Per Peer Review: Robert M. Chapa, Sr., MD has mastered the "Art of the IME". He remains the premier and most highly sought after "Expert" in his field, in North Florida. His IME's are compulsively researched, candid, condensed, and politely written : so all will understand. His opinions are rarely challenged. He continues to practice Academic 'Evidence-Based' Medicine and incorporates "Honesty, Insight, Statistics and a dose of Cheer", in each report. He is considered to be "Trustworthy, Fair, Prudent and Most Respected" by Academic Peers, hundreds of Corporate Executives, and Legal Professionals from all sides of the case. Dr. Chapa is honorable and "uniquely qualified" and "the problem solver to go to" according to many Governmental Agencies, Unions, The Maritime Industry, and The Private Sector. He handles all Cases of "Any Scope" and recently helped settle a $50 Million case, such that all parties were well satisfied. He does not pretend to know it all. He seeks advice whe...

Ofer Michael Eibschutz, M.D.

Sun And Sea Medical PLLC

Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - * A seasoned medical professional with over 30 years of experience treating a wide range of injuries and successfully managing the care of tens of thousands of patients. * Recognized expert , having served as Director of Workers' Compensation for the largest medical group in the US. * Author of hundreds of CA PR4 (P&S, MMI) reports, consistently relied upon to resolve claims. * Recognized leader in the field of Occupational Medicine, actively involved in CA statewide conferences as a speaker.
* Dedicated educator, providing oversight and quality evaluation for multiple Occupational Medicine physicians. * Active member of ACOEM and Florida Association of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. * Unbiased and objective medical evaluations, ensuring fair and accurate assessments of claims. * Thoroughly review medical records and conduct comprehensive physical examinations to gather all relevant information. * Provide detailed and well-documented reports that are clear and concise


Tampa, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - Physiatry - Board Certified: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Occupational Medicine, and Sports Medicine (CAQ). Residencies: Univ. of Michigan, Harvard Univ. and Siskin Hospital for Rehabilitation. Fellowship: Harvard Univ. Technical: musculoskeletal ultrasound, electrodiagnosis (EMG/NCS), interventional pain and manual medicine. Other certifications: Senior Aviation Medical Examiner (FAA), offshore Oil and Gas (OGUK), Medical Review Officer, NRCME (DOT), and Texas (TDI-DWC) Designated Doctor.
Services include comprehensive independent medical evaluation (IME) with functional ability assessments. Evaluations provide a thorough review of medical and psycho-social factors associated with occupational injury and illness, disability, pain disorders, pre-existing disease, and physical rehabilitation. Extensive experience in a broad range of worker health issues. Expert opinions on fitness for duty, return to work, medical accommodation and restriction, disability, AMA impairment rating, determination of extent of injury, and work causation. Special medical expertise: workplace environment, physiatry, muscle and joint, neck and back, hand, arm, shoulder, ergonomics, arthritis, stroke, chronic pain, brain injury, spinal disease, multiple trauma, fibromyalgia, neuromuscular disease, toxicology, indoor environment, occupational lung and skin diseases, infectious and chemical exposures. Serves as Occupational Medicine advisor/consultant for: corporations, academic and resea...

Stanley C Haimes, MD, MPH, CIH, CIME, FACOEM

Center for Occupational and Environmental Health

Orlando, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Disability Evaluations - Occupational Medicine, Toxicology, Medical Criteria for Employment as a Firefighter or Law Enforcement Officer (LEO), Exposure Evaluation, Disability Evaluation, Return to Duty, Fit for Duty, Workers Compensation, Complex Causation.
Assistant Professor at the College of Medicine of the University of Central Florida. Board Certified in Occupational Medicine, Residency Trained at Johns Hopkins, and a Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (FACOEM). Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH) and Certified Safety Professional (CSP). Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME). Medical Officer for the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Member of the national committee that determines safe exposure levels to chemicals in the workplace (Threshold Limit Value Committee of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists). Member of Scientific Review Panel for the Hazardous Substance Data Base (HSDB) maintained by the National Institutes of Health. Member of the national committees that develop medical guidelines for employment as a firefighter (NFPA 1582 Technical Committee) and a law enforcement officer (ACOEM LEO Medical Guidance).

James Milani, DO


Panama City Beach, Florida
Occupational Medicine
Dr. James W. Milani is Board Certified in Family Medicine since 1994. For the first 14 years of practice, he provided the full spectrum of Family Medicine, outpatient and inpatient – excluding OB. In 2007, he ventured into a Work Comp/Occupational Medicine Health Clinic with his local hospital system. In the transition from Family Medicine to Work Comp/Occupational Medicine – he has become certified in/as: Independent Medical Examiner, Medical Review Officer, Professional Supervisor/Audiometric, Medical Examiner for FMCSA. He has performed numerous chart reviews, and IME’s over the years – mostly dealing with Work Comp.

Jerome Siegel, MD

Naples, Florida
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - Workplace exposures/injuries, musculoskeletal, orthopedic, rehab problems, environmental, allergies, asthma, toxic and chemical exposures, infections, mold, indoor air quality, pain mgmt, traumatic brain injury, cardiorespiratory and body system complications, catastrophic cases, long Covid, complex case review, impairment, disability.
ABMS Board Certified Occupational Medicine ABMS Board Certified Internal Medicine MPH - Master of Public Health - Boston University School of Public Health

Gabe Merrill

Hawaii Medical Evaluators

Waipahu, Hawaii
Occupational Medicine, Family Medicine
Hawaii Medical Evaluators collaborates with highly regarded physicians to provide expert medical opinions for attorneys in auto injury, workers' compensation (including Maritime and Longshore), Social Security Disability, and Veterans' benefits cases. We serve as a liaison to organize records, conduct medical reviews, develop reports, and provide pretrial and trial support, helping attorneys assess case value efficiently and cost-effectively. Our nationwide network of pretrial medical-legal consultants and expert physicians enhances access to expert witness services across the country

Jeffery Adam Weisman, MD, PhD, JD, MPH

University of Illinois Chicago

Chicago, Illinois
Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine - Jeffery Weisman is a doctor who specializes in Occupational and Environmental Medicine. He is also a Physician Scientist that conducts research. With a Medico-Legal back ground and as an active attorney, Dr. Weisman understands litigation.
Dr. Weisman is also an attorney with over 15 years of legal experience.

Robert L Broghammer, MD MBA MPH RPH

R L Broghammer MD RPH Medical Review Services

Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Occupational Medicine - Independent Medical Evaluations with a focus on causation analysis and work-relatedness. Impairment Ratings, Permanent Work Restrictions, Chart Reviews.
My IME practice has focused on worker's compensation but I have also completed IME's for litigated personal injury cases and long-term disability claims. I base my opinions on medical fact and a detailed analysis of the medical records as well as a comprehensive history and physical examination. Sample IME reports are available, upon request. I am residency trained and board certified in Occupational Medicine by The American Board of Preventive Medicine. I am also a Registered Pharmacist with active licenses in Iowa and Minnesota and an inactive license in Nebraska. I have completed several IMEs from a pharmacy perspective. My clients include attorneys, insurers, case managers, employers and injured workers. I have IME offices in Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Des Moines, Iowa; and Greenwood Village, Colorado. I have Level II Full Accreditation in Colorado and am trained in the AMA Guides 3rd ed. revised, 5th edition & 6th edition.

Jeffrey Westpheling, MD, MPH

Probity Medical Services, LLC

Marion, Iowa
Occupational Medicine, Disability Evaluations - Clinical Occupational Medicine, Medical Review Officer, Commercial Driver Medical Examiner

John Parkerson Jr., MD


Baltimore, Maryland
Occupational Medicine
Dr. Parkerson is a board-certified occupational medicine physician licensed to practice in Maryland since 1985. He has nearly 4 decades of experience, with a current solo private practice in occupational medicine. Services include independent medical examinations, disability and retirement evaluations, impairment ratings, Subsequent Injury Fund examinations, return to work/fit duty exams, causation analysis, and case management. He is a fellow in the International Academy of Independent Medical Examiners and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. As an expert witness, he has provided testimony in Maryland, the District of Columbia, and Delaware, in workers’ compensation and civil venues. He currently is an Associate faculty member of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and a past associate Director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Occupational and Environmental Health. He directed the case management services for the Maryland Injured Worker...

Charles M Yarborough, MD

CYHealthAssociates, LLC

Bethesda, Maryland
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - I am a Board-certified internist and occupational medicine physician who is licensed to practice medicine in Maryland, Virginia, other states, and D.C., with over 3 decades of experience. I perform Independent Medical Evaluations (IME), disability peer reviews, health-related consulting, impairment ratings, and litigation support for workers' compensation, epidemiology, and toxic tort (particularly asbestos, lead, chemicals). I was president of the American College of Occupational Medicine.
I have an in-depth knowledge, skills and abilities as an expert witness and has testified in depositions, hearings and trials in successful cases. I am a recognized expert in the field, being a leader of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2016 president-elect and 2017 president), publishing relevant articles in the peer-reviewed medical literature, serving as the Book Review Editor of the major occupational medical journal, and lecturing in this field including for the 2016 SEAK Annual Workers Compensation Conference. My practice provides the following services: • Independent Medical Evaluations responding to specific issues • Causation and work related issues • Appropriateness of care and treatment redirection issues • Assessment of Maximal Medical Improvement and Permanent Impairment and Apportionment • Return to work and work capacity issues • Rehabilitation issues • Medical Record review and Consulting Opinion • Litigation support including consul...

Stefanos N. Kales, MD, MPH, FACP, FACOEM

Cambridge Occupational Medicine Services

Cambridge, Massachusetts
Occupational Medicine, Internal Medicine - Dr. Kales is Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School; Professor & Director, Occupational Medicine Residency; and Chief, Occupational & Environmental Medicine at Cambridge Health Alliance. He has special expertise in public safety (police and fire issues), toxicology, mold, latex allergy, workers comp, cardiovascular and sleep issues. A recent CV is attached.

Robert J. Kantor, MD, MPH, FACOEM


Commerce Township, Michigan
Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine
Dr. Robert Kantor is a board-certified physician in Occupational Medicine with over two decades of experience in corporate health leadership and clinical practice. He holds a Doctor of Medicine and a Master of Public Health from Saint Louis University, complemented by a Bachelor’s in Economics from the University of Michigan. Currently, he serves as the International Executive Physician and Global Director for Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology at Ford Motor Company, overseeing a multidisciplinary team across multiple continents. Dr. Kantor has held diverse roles, including medical director positions at General Motors, Kaiser Permanente, and Sutter Health. A Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, his expertise includes employee wellness, industrial safety, toxicology, and injury prevention. Fluent in Spanish and conversant in Portuguese, Dr. Kantor is a seasoned lecturer and consultant dedicated to advancing occupational health globally.

Manoj Doss, DO


Eden Prairie, Minnesota
Occupational Medicine - Worker’s Compensation, mTBI, CRPS, MSK injuries
I am a board certified Occupational Medicine physician that is a peer reviewer for a large health plan. I am also on faculty for one of the few OEM residencies in the country.

Robert B Swotinsky, MD

Bedford, New Hampshire
Occupational Medicine, Toxicology - Medical Toxicology - Disability and impairment; toxicology; public safety (e.g., police, firefighter, etc); workplace fitness for duty; substance abuse; indoor air quality and mold.
Clear, thorough, well-referenced, and timely reports. Nationally recognized expert in occupational medicine, including substance abuse, toxicology, and fitness for duty. Clinically active. Extensive forensic experience as an expert, retained by attorneys for plaintiffs, defendants, and governmental agencies.

Nathaniel R. Evans, II, M.D., FACEP

Delanco , New Jersey
Occupational Medicine
Board Certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine, the American Board of Preventive Medicine (Occupational Medicine) and the American Board of Addiction Medicine. Previous positions include: -Chief, Department of Emergency Medicine, Rancocas Hospital, Willingboro, N.J. -President and Medical Director, Burlington Medical Center, Wilingboro, N.J. -Medical Director Burlington County (New Jersey) Department of Corrections -Physician, Virtua at Work -Medical Director, Concentra of Northeast Philadelphia

Steven Fishburn, MD, MSc, CIME, CMLE, FASAM

Albuquerque , New Mexico
Toxicology - Medical Toxicology, Occupational Medicine
Dr. Steven J. Fishburn is a board-certified physician specializing in Medical Toxicology, Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and Addiction Medicine. With extensive experience in workplace exposures, toxicological assessments, impairment ratings, and fitness-for-duty evaluations, Dr. Fishburn provides objective, evidence-based independent medical examinations (IMEs) and expert witness services. Dr. Fishburn is certified by the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners (ABIME) and the International Academy of Independent Medical Evaluators (IAIME) and is proficient in conducting IMEs, impairment ratings using the 6th edition of the AMA Guides, causation analysis, and medical record reviews. His expertise extends to toxic substance exposures, workplace injuries, and drug and alcohol-related impairment cases. With a background in public health, forensic toxicology, and occupational medicine, Dr. Fishburn has provided expert testimony in both civil and administrative procee...

Joseph Guarino, MD, MPH, FACOEM, CIME

Reidsville, North Carolina
Occupational Medicine, General Practice - Board Certified in Occupational Medicine, and have practiced this specialty since 1989. Have received IME training through the American Board of Independent Medical Examiners and the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. Certified Independent Medical Examiner. Extensive experience with determinations of work fitness and impairment.
Certified DOT medical examiner and Certified Medical Review Officer for drug screen results. Aviation Medical Examiner also.

fabienne ransom, DO, MPH

Catawba Valley Medical Center Occupational Health

Conover, North Carolina
Occupational Medicine

Kevin L Trangle, MD, MBA

Kevin Trangle & Associates

Mayfield Heights, Ohio
Occupational Medicine, Preventive Medicine - Workers Compensation: Extent of Impairment, MMI, Determination of Treatment, Permanent Partial, Total Impairment, Claims Allowance, Industrial Commission Exams. Motor Vehicle Accident: Extent of Impairment & Injuries, Appropriateness of Treatment, Future Treatment & Cost Projections, Employability & Work Status. Managed Care Organizations: Dispute Resolution, Extent of Impairment, Return-to-Work, Claim Allowance. Vocational Assessment: Return-to-Work, Employability Level, Future Income
Dr. Trangle has a background as the Medical Director of a mid-sized chemical company, where he developed and enforced occupational health and safety programs. As an Occupational Medicine and Occupational Wellness expert he is quite familiar with the medical legal issues surrounding FMLA, ADA, Short Term Disability (STD), Workers' Compensation and Return-to-Work, including transitional work programs. He provides analysis and consultation covering ERISA cases with Long Term Disability (LTD) decisions. Dr. Trangle is a Master Fellow of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (ACOEM), a Master Fellow of the American Academy of Disability Evaluating Physician (AADEP), a Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME & ABIME) and he has been a Certified Medical Review Officer (CMRO). He is also a member of Ohio State Medical Association and is active in ACOEM as member of the House of Delegates, president of the Corporate Medical section,as well as a member of th...

Camille T. Hinojosa, MD, MPH

Williamsport, Pennsylvania
Occupational Medicine - Workers' compensation independent medical examination, impairment rating, and general disability medical assessment and review. Experience with the American Medical Association Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 4th ed, 5th ed and 6th ed, Certification in the Evaluation of Disability and Impairment Rating (CEDIR).

Scott Cygan, DO

MedEx Consulting LLC

Landrum, South Carolina
Occupational Medicine, Aerospace Medicine - Board-certified in occupational and aerospace medicine and US Army Veteran. I conduct independent medical exams (IMEs) for long-term disability, VA disability, worker's compensation cases, impairment ratings, and for other needed medicolegal reasons. Impairment ratings are completed with the AMA 6th Edition. I also perform examinations for Veterans including completion of disability benefit questionnaires (DBQs) and NEXUS letters.
Additional education and training includes: Certified Independent Medical Examiner (CIME) with training in AMA 6th Edition, Board Certification in Occupational and Aerospace Medicine, Masters in Public Health, Commercial Driver Medical Examiner (CDME), Medical Review Officer (MRO), Army Flight Surgeon

Gordon Early

Upstate Occ Med

spartanburg, South Carolina
Toxicology - Medical Toxicology, Occupational Medicine - Expertise in low grade occupational and environmental toxin exposures, attribution assessment, epidemiologic literature review, and ratings in workers comp/long term disability cases. I have done over 200 work attribution assessments on cancers where there was a concern about occupational aggravation.
Board Certified in both Medical Toxicology and Occupational Medicine. South Carolina's first Medical Toxicologist. 25 years of disability exams for the state with over 5000 exams done I have worked/given testimony in both state and federal court. Masters of Public Health in Epidemiology Interest in occupational contributors to: asthma, COPD, cancer, and Neurological disorders.

Yashbir S Rana, MD

Millstone Healthcare Associates

Greenville, South Carolina
Occupational Medicine, Emergency Medicine - Occupational and Emergency Medicine. Certification in AMA Guides, 6th Edition
* I am willing to travel to all of South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia to do IME Examinations. * Types of IME Examinations: State Workers' Compensation, Federal Workers' Compensation, No Fault, Liability, Long- and Short-Term Disability, Fit for Duty, Return to Work Examinations.

Douglas W. Martin, MD


Dakota Dunes, South Dakota
Occupational Medicine, Family Medicine - Musculoskeletal Injuries, Disability Evaluations, Causation Analysis, Impairment Ratings, Fitness for Duty, Personal Injury, Worker's Compensation including state and federal systems
Co-Chair, AMA Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment Editorial Panel http://info.commerce.ama-assn.org/ama-guides-2019 Author of the book "Independent Medical Evaluation - A Practical Guide" published by Springer Lead Editor of the book "Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - What is the Evidence?" by AADEP's Veritas Medicus Foundation AMA Guides Expert - 5th edition Software Reviewer / 6th Edition Reviewer and have taught thousands of learners on AMA Guides through AADEP and ACOEM Co-authored UE Chapter in AMA Causation Book Authored Occupational Medicine Perspective Chapter in AMA Causation Book Authored Primary Care Physician Chapter in AMA Return to Work Book Authored Social Security Disability Chapter in AMA Disability Systems Book Past President AADEP Past President ACOEM FMCSA Medical Review Board FPSHP SME ETA Member

Benjamin S Burris, MD, MS

Garland, Texas
Occupational Medicine - Dr. Burris is board-certified in occupational medicine and has years of experience performing: Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs), Certification of Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and Impairment Ratings (IR), Required Medical Examinations, Disability evaluations, and Return to Work evaluations. He provides thorough, high-quality reports for clients with a quick turn-around time.
You can also find Occupational Medicine Independent Medical Examiners in:
Arkansas, California, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii , Illinois, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas