Chiropractic Neurology Independent Medical Examiners

Welcome to the SEAK National Directory of Independent Medical Examiners. The Chiropractic Neurology Independent Medical Examiners found here provide independent medical exams (IMEs), medical evaluations, impartial examinations, independent medical assessments, vocational assessments, functional capacity evaluations, impairment ratings, second opinions, return to work evaluations, or fitness for duty exams to evaluate the extent of disability, permanent impairment or injuries.

Wayne M. Whalen, DC

Santee, California
Chiropractic, Chiropractic Neurology - Standard of care, Best Practices guidelines for chiropractic (I have co-authored many of these); boundaries issues, malpractice

Shellie N. Smith, DC

HCS Exams

Houston, Texas
Chiropractic, Chiropractic Neurology - Dr. Smith is a board-certified Chiropractor with extensive experience conducting Independent Medical Examinations (IMEs), certifying Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI) and Impairment Ratings (IR), performing Required Medical Examinations, and providing Disability and Return to Work evaluations. She is recognized as a Designated Doctor for Texas Workers' Compensation and the Texas Department of Insurance. Known for her attention to detail, Dr. Smith delivers comprehensive, high-quality reports.
AMA 4th edition (certified) & AMA 6th edition (in training/pending)
You can also find Chiropractic Neurology Independent Medical Examiners in:
California and Texas