Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Gilbert Chiropractic
- Phone: (702) 378-8758
- Cell: (702) 378-8758
Other Locations: Tampa Bay Florida
Specialty 1: Chiropractic
Keywords/Search Terms: years treating injured patients from auto, slip/fall, work, domestic, and recreational injuries. I have performed many depositions and a few trials. Evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of spine and extremity injuries.
Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport IA
License(s): FL, NV
Years in Practice: 35
Experience:- Deposed/Testified 24 times
IME Certification: CICE
IME Training: ABIME
Additional Information
I am just getting started in this area. I worked with a chiropractor in Las Vegas who was one of the top IME DC's in Las Vegas. I studied the 5th edition but ended up her in Florida with the 6th edition. In my private practice I rented space to IME DC's and MD's. So, although I have never performed an actual IME impairment, I have witnessed the process and procedures and have had experience learning from others. I have 35 years of clinical experience with the focus on personal injury (auto, work, fall), sports injuries, and both chronic and acute lumbar disc pathologies. I have worked with many attorneys over the years which includes multiple depositions and a few trials. I have done record reviews in the past. I have excellent clinical skills, very proficient in thorough examinations, and report writing. I can be very objective as well.