Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Dr Maysonet Clinical & Forensic Psychology Firm PLLC
- Phone: (570) 939-2282
- Website: www.drmaysonetpsychologyfirm.com
Other Locations: NJ, FL, VA
Specialty 1: Psychology
Specialty 2: Forensic Psychology
Keywords/Search Terms: PTSD, Trauma, Psychological Autopsy, Suicide Prevention & Risk Assessment, Clinical/Forensic Evaluations, IME, Disability, Compensation, Personal Injury, Fitness for Duty, Inspections, Audits, Investigations, Threat Assessment & Management, Workplace Violence, Malpractice, & Evaluative Mediation.
Medical School: Carlos Albizu University
License(s): PA, NJ, VA, and FL
Years in Practice: 16
Experience:- 16 years performing IMEs
- 300+ IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 1 times
IME Training: SEAK
Additional Information
Dr. Maysonet is a seasoned bilingual clinical and forensic psychologist with 22+ years of experience in investigations and as a correctional psychologist within several government agencies (e.g., State Department of Corrections, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Immigration & Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security) and private practice. She is licensed in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Florida. Dr. Maysonet has provided many specialized therapeutic services and legal consultations to veterans, law enforcement, attorneys, and the community in general. She has been the subject matter expert and consulted in cases related to: Psychological Autopsy Investigation (completed suicide) Correctional standard of care Audits/Reviews/Investigation of Correctional Suicide Prevention Programs Competence Evaluation Suicide Risk Assessment Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Compensation Social Security Disability Personal Injury Fitness for Duty Pre-surgery Lethal Weapon Training Act 235 SPECIALIZED TRAINING Postgraduate Certificate in Forensic Psychology National Threat Evaluation and Reporting Master Trainer (NTER) Virginia Adult Forensic Evaluator Psychological Autopsy Investigator National Certified Investigator & Inspector Training (NCIT Specialized Program) Labor & Employment Relations SERVICES Independent Medical Examinations (IME) in psychological matters Psychological & Forensic Evaluations Competence Evaluation Compensation Claims Disability Claims Files Reviews Malpractice / Liability Presurgical Psychological Evaluations Psychological Autopsy Investigations Fitness for Duty Lethal Weapon Training ACT (ACT 235) Fact-Finder for state government or private corporations, attorneys, insurance companies, investigations and arbitration proceedings Evaluative Mediation (psychological cases) in arbitration proceedings