Contact this IME Doctor
- Phone: 650.348.1000
- Cell: 650.703.7076
- Fax: 650.747.6806
- Website: www.baybackdoctor.com
Other Locations: CA - San Francisco Bay Area; Los Angeles Area : Idaho - Sun Valley
Specialty 1: QME
Specialty 2: Chiropractic
Keywords/Search Terms: I specialize in workers' compensation and industrial medicine. I perform California State QMEs, AMEs, and IMEs in 10 locations in Northern and Southern CA as well as Idaho. I also perform remote disability evaluations, DMO exams, and utilization reviews. I am available for NEXUS military examinations. I am also a certified ergonomic assessment specialist (CEAS).
Medical School: Palmer College of Chiropractic-West
License(s): California, Idaho
Years in Practice: 25
Experience:- 23 years performing IMEs
- 500 IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 50 times
IME Certification: QME
IME Training: ACOEM