Michael P. Bernstein, MD Independent Medical Examiner
Curriculum Vitae

Contact this IME Doctor

  • Company: Michael P. Bernstein, MD, LLC
  • Phone: 860 763 3243
  • Cell: 860 478 4733
  • Fax: 860 763 3244

Specialty 1: Otolaryngology

Keywords/Search Terms: Otolaryngology, Ear, Nose and Throat, Hearing, Apnea, Sinus Problems, Voice/Swallowing problems, Head and Neck Infections, Head and Neck Tumors, Head and Neck Surgery, Facial Trauma

Medical School: University of Connecticut School of Medicine

License(s): CT

Years in Practice: 37

  • 37 years performing IMEs
  • 25 IMEs performed
  • Deposed/Testified 4 times