Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Diablo Orthopedic Consultants
- Phone: 925 724 6784
- Website: www.ortholegalexpert.com
Other Locations: Walnut Creek, CA
Specialty 1: Orthopedic Surgery
Specialty 2: Sports Medicine
Keywords/Search Terms: I am currently in active practice as a busy general Orthopedic surgeon- with a broad spectrum of care to include all Orthopedic common conditions. Our goal is to give expert medical legal advice in case review without bias to plaintiff or defense. I have authored over 15 peer reviewed articles. We have 17 years of clinical experience in the field of orthopedic surgery and sports medicine. Communications and scheduling will be rapid.
Medical School: Georgetown
License(s): CA
Years in Practice: 17
Experience:- 17 years performing IMEs
- 100+ IMEs performed
- Deposed/Testified 300+ times
IME Training: SEAK and Retired QME
Additional Information
17 years of expert witness work. including defense, plaintiff, and product liability cases. I have experience doing personal injury and malpractice case review.