Contact this IME Doctor
- Company: Independent Orthopaedics & Consulting LLC
- Phone: (401) 203-7558
- Cell: (401) 203-7558
- Fax: 1(401) 203-755
Other Locations: Wakefield
Specialty 1: Orthopedic Surgery
Specialty 2: Orthopedic Surgery
Keywords/Search Terms: Concierge orthopaedic practice; minimally invasive procedures and office orthopaedics, Consultant to the insurance industry, medical-legal, personal injury, workers compensation for case reviews and IME exams
Medical School: University of Alberta
License(s): R.I., Ma., Az., Fl.
Years in Practice: 30+
Experience:- 3+ years performing IMEs
IME Training: SEAK
Additional Information
Board certified Ortho with General Ortho experience, community hospital exposure, a non-academic career perspective in practical and pragmatic treatment options, interest in functional surgical equipment ergonomics. Broad experience in peer review and IME's for various agencies servicing the insurance industry